Reactivation of the Construction Sector:
The Construction COVID-19 Rapid Response Task Team welcomes the announcement by the Honourable President Cyril Ramaphosa that the country will be moving to Level 3 on 1 June 2020. Most importantly, the reactivation of the construction sector in its entirety under Level 3 will bring much-needed relief to the industry.
Since the announcement of lockdown in March 2020, the Task Team has been at the forefront of introducing practical interventions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the Construction sector.
The Construction COVID-19 Rapid Response Task Team was established with key industry role-players to collectively plan the recovery of the sector post lockdown and to unblock relief measures to ensure its sustainability. The Task Team is convened by Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal and comprises of some 33 organisations in the construction industry. The Task Team made several proposals and submissions to Government Ministers and relevant authorities on the reactivation of the construction sector as well as the recovery of the industry post lockdown.